
How metallurgists and miners develop IT technologies

In terms of the level of implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies, industry companies are leaders in Ukraine

«Интерпайп» в первом полугодии сократил выручку на 16%
Interpipe cut revenues by 16% in H1

EBITDA of the Company grew by 19%

«Интерпайп» построит дополнительный цех по производству колесных пар (с)
Interpipe to build an additional shop to produce wheel pairs

The project is designed to help increase the metal products output

«Интерпайп» в январе-июле увеличил выпуск ж/д продукции на 0,5% (c) GMK Center
Interpipe increased production in the railway segment by 0.5% in January–July

On the other hand, production of steel and pipes declined

«Интерпайп» в первом полугодии увеличил выпуск ж/д продукции на 4,1% (c) GMK Center
Interpipe increased production in the railway segment by 4.1% in H1

Conversely, production of steel and pipes declined

ЕЭК возобновила антидемпинговую пошлину на украинские ж/д колеса
The EEC resumed anti-dumping duty on Ukraine-made railway wheels

Demand in the railway wheels market has stabilized after a peak in 2019

«Интерпайп» в январе-апреле нарастил выпуск ж/д продукции на 16,7%
Interpipe increased production of railway products by 16.7% in January–April

Steel production fell by 12.5%, while production of pipes was down by more than a third

Украина полностью исчерпала квоту на поставку безшовных труб в ЕС (c)
Ukraine completely exhausted the country quota for exports of stainless pipes to the EU

The export quota for non-alloy wire and hollow sections will soon be filled too

«Интерпайп» выделил 36 млн грн на поддержку медучреждений (c) Interpipe
Interpipe allocated ₴36 million to support health care facilities

The Company purchased a large batch of individual protective means for doctors of Dnipro and of the oblast

«Интерпайп» в 2019 году нарастил выручку на 4% (c) GMK Center
Interpipe increased revenue by 4% in 2019

The reason is a gain in sales of railway products

Interpipe increased production in the railway segment by 21% in Q1

Steel production fell by 2.3%, while production of pipes was down by a third

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