capital investment

«Метинвест» за 9 мес. нарастил капинвестиции на 24%, до $770 млн (c)
Metinvest increased capital investment by 24% to $770 million, over 9 months

65% of capital investment was spent for scheduled maintenance of production facilities

Capital investment in the steel industry grew by 34% in 9 months

However, the capital investment growth rate hit a decline in Q3

Environmental costs in the mining & metals sector grew by 25–30% in 2018

Environmental costs of mining & metals companies amount to around 40% of their total costs

Запорожсталь отремонтировала доменную печь №2 ©
Zaporizhstal repaired its blast furnace No. 2

Investment in the overhaul amounted to around UAH 220 million

Ferrexpo планирует капитальные вложения $220-300 млн ©
In 2019, Ferrexpo plans capital investment worth $220–300 million

The company expects to increase production capacity by 13% until 2021, up to 12 million tons of iron pellets per annum

Капинвестиции в металлургии в I квартале увеличились на 34,5% (c)
Capital investment in the steel industry increased by 34.5%

Steelmakers invested UAH 5.3 billion in production development

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