Cabinet of Ministers

Smoke of the homeland: Ukraine is ready to launch monitoring of CO2 emissions

The start of the market for trading greenhouse gas emissions will take place no earlier than 2026

Кабмин начал разрабатывать Национальную экономическую стратегию (c)
The Government started developing the National Economic Strategy

The first step is to determine the economic targets to be achieved

Бизнес поддержал Национальную экономическую стратегию Кабмина (c)
Business supports the government’s national economic strategy

The strategy will identify seven vectors of Ukraine’s development, including industry

Кабмин продлит адаптивный карантин до 31 октября
The Cabinet of Ministers prolongs adaptive quarantine until 31 October

The ‘green’ regions will face stricter restrictions

The government established the Ministry of Strategic Industries

The top priority for the new ministry is hi-tech defense

The government prolongs adaptive quarantine until 31 August

The quarantine enabled effective control over the morbidity rate, says the Prime Minister of Ukraine

Рада назначила Уруского вице-премьером по промышленности (c)
The Parliament appointed Uruskyi as Vice Prime Minister for industry

A corresponding Resolution was adopted at a plenary session

Кабмин продлил адаптивный карантин до 31 июля (c)
The Cabinet of Ministers prolongs adaptive quarantine until 31 July

The reason is the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Ukraine

Кабмин допускает падение ВВП Украины в 2020 году до 8% (c)
The government expects an 8% drop in Ukraine’s GDP in 2020

The updated government’s action plan is sent to the Verkhovna Rada for consideration

The Government to launch an economy-boosting program in H2

At the first stage, the Government will focus on protecting Ukraine-made goods from imported alternatives

The Cabinet extended the quarantine until 22 June

Passenger suburban and interregional rail transportation will resume on 1 June, air transportation on 15 June

The Cabinet of Ministers to launch program to support industry and exporters

The government program will provide for the preferential loan conditions and requirements for production localization

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