coking coal

Pokrovske Coal Company to increase coal mining by 12% in 2022

In 2021, the Company extracted 6.23 million tons of coking coal

Ukraine cut imports of coking coals by 3.5% in 11M

Ukrainian producers imported 0.504 million tons of coke

Metinvest set up a company to manage Ukrainian coal assets

The company will manage operational and administrative changes at enterprises of the Pokrovske Colliery Group

Ukraine cut imports of coking coals by 4% in 10M

Ukrainian producers imported 0.410 million tons of coke

Ukraine cut imports of coking coals by 4.1% in 9M

Ukrainian producers imported 0.313 million tons of coke

В январе-феврале импорт коксующихся углей в Украину вырос на 10%
Ukraine’s imports of coking coals grew by 10% in 2M 2021

Ukrainian producers imported 0.029 million tons of coke in 2M

Импорт коксующихся углей в первом квартале снизился на 31% (c)
Coking coal imports dropped by 31% in Q1

In January–March, Ukrainian companies imported no coke

In 2019, Ukraine reduced imports of coking coals from Russia by 24%

Imports of coking coals from Kazakhstan almost doubled

Demand for coke among steelmaking companies is falling

While coke imports grew by 17.3% in 9 months

Import of coking coals to Ukraine grew over 5 months

A 5% growth was recorded, the share of import increased by 1.5 percentage points, up to 81.9%

The key question: what does the ban on the supply of coking coals mean?

The domestic market may face a significant deficit of raw materials for coke production

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