
Why the steel industry needs blockchain

Blockchain is an immature technology. However, it offers some interesting possibilities that even steelmakers can benefit from

Poltava Mining is preparing a project to increase production to 24 million t

The Company is to launch a new technological complex for production of finished products worth $100 million

The misfortune came: the impact of the coronavirus on the steel industry

Steelmakers expect a drop in demand by over 50% in the next two quarters

Industrial producers expect a drop in capacity utilization rate to 61.6% in Q1

Representatives of industrial companies of Ukraine predict a drop in demand for their products

«Укрметаллургпром» прогнозирует спад выпуска стали на 10,5% в декабре (c)
Ukrmetallurgprom predicts a decline in steel production by 10.5% in December

Pig iron production may fall by 7.21%, while production of rolled products may grow by 6.25%

EBRD raises forecast for the economic growth in Ukraine for 2020 to 3.5%

Ukraine’s economy remains resilient to political factors but the pace of growth will stay somewhat modest

Минэкономики повысило прогноз по ВВП Украины до 3,7% в 2020 г (c)
The Ministry of Economy improved the GDP forecast for Ukraine up to 3.7%

Earlier, the Ministry expected an increase of 3.2%

«Укрметаллургпром» в сентябре прогнозирует рост выпуск стали на 3,4% (с)
Ukrmetallurgprom predicts steel production growth by 3.4% in September

Production of pig iron may grow by 1.7%, rolled products — by 8.6%

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