
Ukraine to launch CO2 emissions monitoring in 2021

This will be the first stage of introducing the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading in Ukraine

EU imposed safeguard measures against 12 categories of Ukrainian metal products

Country-specific tariff quotas apply to 11 categories, global ones — to gas pipes

ЕЭК с 1 декабря вводит квоты на импорт горячекатаного проката из Украины (c) shutterstock.com
The EEC will apply quotas on the imports of hot-rolled products from Ukraine from 1 December

The quotas are not supposed to significantly affect the Ukrainian producers

How Ukraine’s steel industry resists global protectionism

Ukrainian producers have increased exports of steel products by 7.5% over the four months of 2019.

Lower quotas, less steel: the EU steelmakers want tighter quotas

The abolition of a 5-percent annual quota increase will make it more difficult for Ukrainian steelmakers to market their products in the EU.

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