
Extractive industry waste management: time for legislative change

The agenda includes finalizing and improving the text of the draft law «On Mining Waste Management»

Draft Law №6004-d must take into account specific and effective financing mechanisms

The positive aspect of the document is the implementation of an integrated environmental permit and BATM

Ukraine will update the anti-dumping legislation

Three draft laws were submitted for public discussion

Business needs a roadmap to implement the law on chemical production

The law will enter into force only in the summer of 2024, but now it is necessary to begin its gradual implementation

Ukraine put limestone on the list of critical import

The Cabinet of Ministers have also added to the list many metals

President Zelenskyi signs a law on localization in mechanical engineering

The Law comes into force six months after its publication

President Zelenskyi signs the Law on benefits for industrial parks

The next step is review of draft laws on fiscal incentives for industrial parks

Зеленский подписал закон об усилении ответственности за незаконную добычу (c) president.gov.ua
Zelenskyi signs a law to increase liability for illegal mining

The law defines uncontrolled mining as a criminal offense

Верховная Рада приняла законопроект о недропользовании (c) metinvestholding.com
Rada approves a subsoil use draft law in principle

The draft Law provides for the creation of an interactive map of minerals

Президент Зеленский подписал закон о продлении пошлины на экспорт лома (с) Nikkei
Zelenskyi signs a law to extend the scrap export duty

The Law comes into force the next day following its publication

Parliament extends scrap export duty for 5 years

291 MPs voted in favor of the draft law

Кабмин одобрил увеличение уставного капитала ЭКА на 1,8 млрд грн (с) shutterstock.com
The Government increased the authorized capital of ECA by ₴1.8 billion

Funding will be funneled through the issuance of additional government debt securities

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