
Ukraine introduces a 16.1% special duty on Belarusian rebar and wire rod

This step results from Belarus’s restrictions on Ukrainian scrap imports

АМКР требует пересмотра антидемпинговой пошлины на белорусские прутки (c)
AMKR demands a revision of the anti-dumping duty on Belarusian bars

The Company insists that the investigation confirmed dumping allegations, but with no safeguard duty imposed

Investigation into bar imports from Belarus and Moldova was extended

These countries’ manufacturers have an advantage over Ukrainian plants in rebar supplies

«Интерпайп» договорился о поставке ж/д колес белорусскому БЕЛАЗу (c)
Interpipe to increase supplies of wrought steel wheels to Belarus

Interpipe is going to supply 20 thousand wheels to BelAZ in 2020

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