steel consumption

В марте объем жилого строительства обрушился на 25% (c)
Residential construction output plummeted by 25% in March

In Q1, construction fell by 5.5%, with only the non-residential segment growing

В 2019 году потребление металлоконструкций выросло на 8,9% – УЦСС (с) Металл//
USCC reported a 8.9% growth in consumption of steel structures in 2019

Earlier, USCC predicted a 18% growth in consumption of steel structures

Pipe playing: how many steel products does the oil & gas industry consume?

The annual pipe consumption in the domestic oil & gas industry is estimated at around 100–130 thousand tons

Последствия аварии на хвостохранилище Vale.
The first quarter: a record rise in the iron ore price and stability of the domestic market

Despite a raw material price hike around the globe, the cost of steel products in Ukraine remained almost the same in the first quarter

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