Three modern fire hydrants were installed on the industrial site

The fire extinguishing system is being modernized at the Central Mining and Processing Plant (Central GOK). Metinvest.Media reports about it.

Three modern fire hydrants were installed at the industrial site, which will serve an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. Before the installation of the equipment, which is located in the material storage and supply shop, the specialists of the plant carried out the necessary preparatory work and updated the water supply system. In accordance with the requirements of industrial safety, the hydrants were covered with hatches, and free access to them was organized.

According to Yury Rovinskyi, director of labor protection, industrial safety and ecology of the plant, the structure of the Central GOK has its own departmental fire department, specialists work 24/7.

“Therefore, we timely service and systematically update equipment and conduct appropriate training to prevent emergency situations. Such training significantly reduces risks in production, even in extremely difficult military conditions,” he noted.

The company pays great attention to production safety. Thus, at four stations on the route of freight trains from the Artemiv quarry to the plant, two-way loudspeaker communication systems “Park 1M” were installed.

In case of emergency situations at the plant, action algorithms for employees have been worked out. Special emergency air supply chambers are equipped for workers who work underground. Emergency lift plans have been developed for miners.

As GMK Center reported earlier, Central GOK allocated UAH 3.2 million for the renewal of railway tracks on the race section, which is involved in the transportation of iron ore from the Petrivskyi and Artemivskyi quarries to the enterprise’s industrial site. Major repairs of the railway track were carried out on the stretch between Nedayvoda and Iskrivka stations.