State Tax Service of Ukraine

Украина сократила экспорт труб в первом полугодии на 28,4% (с)
Ukraine cut exports of pipes by 28.4% in H1

The share of seamless pipes in Ukraine’s exports was the largest, 176.5 thousand tons

Украина за полгода снизила выручку от экспорта черных металлов на 19% (с) shutterstock
Ukraine’s revenue from exports of ferrous metals declined by 19% in H1

In June, revenue from exports of ferrous metals amounted to $604.1 million

Экспорт чугуна из Украины в мае вырос на 27,9% (c)
Ukraine’s exports of pig iron grew by 27.9% in May

Over the first five months, export revenue increased by 2.6%

Экспорт ферросплавов из Украины в мае сократился на 15,9% (c)
Ukraine’s exports of ferroalloys declined by 15.9% in May

Ferroalloys export revenue fell by 17.4% over the five months

Экспорт полуфабрикатов из Украины в мае сократился на 28,3%
Ukraine’s exports of semi-finished products fell by a third in May

Revenue from exports of iron ore decreased by 12.8% over the five months
Ukraine’s exports of iron ore fell by 17.7% in May

Revenue from exports of iron ore increased by 5.7% over the five months

Украина сократила выручку от экспорта черных металлов на 12,7% (c)
Ukraine’s revenue from exports of ferrous metals declined by 19%

In May, revenue from exports of ferrous metals amounted to $601.5 million

Украинские металлурги в апреле сократили экспорт проката на 13,4% (c)
Ukrainian steelmakers cut exports of rolled products by 13.4% in April

In January–April, export revenue fell by 24.9%

Экспорт труб из Украины в апреле упал на 6,6% (c)
Ukraine’s pipe exports decreased by 6.6% in April

In January–April, export revenue fell by 19.7%

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