environmental policy

Cabinet of Ministers to present Ukraine’s Green Deal Strategy in February

This document will become a basis for attracting multi-source funding of green transition projects in the country

Україна необхідна Європі як промисловий потенціал
Europe needs Ukraine as an industrial potential

The Ukrainian industry can change and become more environmentally friendly. This is only a matter of means and geopolitics

Businesses are ready to invest in BAT under understandable condition

Steel producers are ready to invest in environmental modernization as much as necessary, but they want political money back guarantees

What future will ‘green’ transformation bring

Ukraine’s climate targets will require wider access to international green financial instruments

Экомодернизация нуждается в государственной поддержке
Environmental modernization needs government support

Following the example of the European Union, Ukraine needs to provide companies with financial support for environmental modernization

The introduction of the CBAM may worsen the position of steel industry

It is necessary to think over compensatory mechanisms to support the operation of steelmaking companies

Economic stagnation is a key risk for climate policy

A cut in emissions is impossible if it is not backed up by economic growth

Business proposes a reform of Ukraine’s environmental policy

The European Business Association presents an environmental legislation reform program