Украина исчерпала квоту на поставку в ЕС труб из нержавеющей стали (с) Украина исчерпала квоту на поставку в ЕС труб из нержавеющей стали (с)

The quota is 93.81% exhausted

According to the monitoring data of Ukrmetallurgprom, Ukraine’s steelmaking companies have almost exhausted the country quota for imports of seamless pipes of stainless steel to the European Union (group 22) given for one year, from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.

Ukrainian steelmakers exported to the EU 12.4 thousand tons of stainless steel pipes out of the quota portion of 13.2 thousand tons. Thus, the quota is 93.81% exhausted.

Having filled the country quota, Ukrainian companies can export rebar to the EU under the global quota (on a ‘first come, first served’ basis).

Ukraine’s country quota for imports of non-alloy wire to the EU (group 28) is 95.10% exhausted as of 6 April. Ukrainian companies exported 64.2 thousand tons of non-alloy wire out of 67.5 thousand tons of the quota portion.

The quota for imports of hollow sections to the EU is 93.36% exhausted. Ukrainian companies exported 59.5 thousand tons of hollow sections out of 63.7 thousand tons of the quota portion.

For the remaining product groups, two-thirds of the quota portion were exported on average. For instance, the country quota for plates (group 7) is 77.30% exhausted. Ukrainian companies exported to the EU 662.5 thousand tons out of 857.06 thousand tons of the quota portion. The quota for cold-rolled flat products is 72.95% exhausted. 188.34 thousand tons out of 258.18 thousand tons of the quota portion were exported.

The largest Ukrainian manufacturer of seamless pipes of stainless steel is Centravis Production Ukraine (Centravis). The Company produces more than 1,000 pipe sizes of more than 100 types of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel grades.

In 2019, Centravis increased production of stainless pipes by 5.5% to 21.1 thousand tons against the past year.

As reported earlier, the difference between country and global quotas is that the former can be exhausted before the end of its validity period, with no rush and fear that other countries will be quicker. Yet unused quantities may not be carried over to the following year.