«Интерпайп Сталь» в январе-феврале сократила выплавку стали на 18% «Интерпайп Сталь» в январе-феврале сократила выплавку стали на 18%

The Company produced 113.6 thousand tons of steel in 2M

In January–February 2021, Interpipe Steel, part of the Interpipe Group (Dnipro, Ukraine), reduced steel production by 18% to 113.6 thousand tons compared to the same period of 2020, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

The Company produced 58.8 thousand tons of steel in February and 55.2 thousand tons in January.

In 2020, the Company reduced steel production by 11.2% to 758.7 thousand tons against 2019.

Interpipe Steel is the largest Eastern European electric steel melting complex for the production of round steel billets. The company works in vertical integration with other enterprises of the Interpipe Group, supplying steel billets for pipe and wheel production.