Romanian Artrom started using green energy in steel production

The company signed a contract with a large electricity supplier in Romania
Ussuri Capital has started the process of attracting investments of €60 million

The company estimates capital investments in the first stage of the project in Romania at €160 million
Liberty Galati restarts blast furnace No. 5

The company notes an increase in demand for thick and coated rolled products
Ukrainian Railways transported 161 thousand tons of iron ore to Moldova in January-June

Transportation of ferrous metals in this direction amounted to 127,000 tons
Liberty Steel again idles blast furnace at Romanian plant – Argus

The reason for such a step was a difficult market situation
Romania plans to resume operation of Otelu Rosu steel plant

UMB's new investor will invest over €300 million to restart the company, which has been idle since 2013
Ussuri Capital plans to build a new steel plant in Romania

The plant will produce flat products with low carbon emissions; the feasibility study was completed in March
Liberty Galati restarts blast furnace No. 5 after shutdown in January

The company notes an improvement in demand for thick sheet and hot-rolled coil
Romanian steel wire producer Dan Steel is sold for €7.5 million

At the first auctions for the sale of the plant, which were held last year, the starting price of the enterprise was €25-28 million
LIBERTY Galaty re-suspends blast furnace No. 5 after restart in December

The shutdown of the unit took place during the Christmas holidays due to interruptions in the supply of raw materials
EU provides €126 million to expand Romanian ports for Ukrainian cargo

Romanian companies will use EU money to build additional capacities in ports for storage and transshipment of Ukrainian exports

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