pig iron

Global pig iron production fell by 6.7% m/m in August

In January-August, the indicator decreased by 2.3% y/y

Ukraine increased pig iron exports by 11.8% m/m in August

In January-August, shipments of products abroad fell by 19.8% y/y

Ukrainian steelmakers produced 589.3 thousand tonnes of rolled steel in August

Steel production for the month amounted to 690.7 thousand tons, and pig iron – 643.6 thousand tons

EU quota for imports of Russian pig iron in 2024 is completely exhausted

The quota for the current year is 1.14 million tons, and its volumes have been exhausted with an expected surplus at the level of 2.2 thousand tons

Global pig iron production increased by 1.1% m/m in July

In January-July, the indicator decreased by 1.8% y/y

Global pig iron production fell by 3.7% m/m in June

In January-June, the indicator decreased by 1.8% y/y

Ukraine cuts pig iron exports by a quarter in the first half of the year

The main export destinations are the USA, Italy and Poland

Ukrainian steelmakers in June produced 571 thousand tons of rolled products

Steel production for the month amounted to 734.7 thousand tons, and pig iron – 628.6 thousand tons

Global pig iron production increased by 8.2% m/m in May

In January-May, the indicator decreased by 1.8% y/y

Ukraine reduced pig iron exports by 7.6% y/y in May

The main part of the products is sent to the USA

Global pig iron production fell by 6.9% y/y in April

In January-April, the indicator decreased by 2.4% y/y

Ukraine exported 55.7 thousand tons of pig iron in April

The main part of the products is sent to the USA

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