CBAM targeting steelmakers to sparkle an annual 0.5% drop in Ukraine’s GDP

The imposition of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism might lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of Ukrainian exports

GMK Center forecasts an annual decline of €200 million in exports of Ukraine’s mining & metals sector due to СВАМ

The imposition of the СВАМ by the European Union may result in termination of exports of pig iron and a 10% decrease in exports of long products

Украина почти исчерпала квоту на поставку в ЕС нержавеющих труб (c) Centravis
Ukraine has almost exhausted its quota for stainless pipes exports to the EU

Ukraine has already exhausted its quotas for cold-rolled products, hollow sections and wire exports

Бес правил: протекционизм превратил торговлю в войну всех против всех
No rules: protectionism is turning trade into an all-out war

The Ukrainian market remains quite open, and the mechanism of its protection is very weak

Украина почти исчерпала квоту на поставку х/к проката в ЕС (c) Yahoo Finance
Ukraine has almost exhausted its country quota for hot-rolled products exports to the EU

Domestic producers are rapidly filling the hollow sections quota as well

The Parliament ratifies a free trade agreement with UK

From 2023 onwards, the United Kingdom may stop levying duties on imports of Ukraine-made industrial products

Украина будет искать финансирование для участия в European Green Deal (c)
Ukraine to seek funding for participating in the European Green Deal

To effectively participate in the Green Deal, the country needs to develop a ‘roadmap’ with the EU

Украина нацелена на индивидуальный подход в European Green Deal (c) Government Europa
Ukraine wants an individual approach in the European Green Deal

A roadmap for the Green Deal implementation should be in line with Ukraine’s opportunities

The UK will have its own steel import quotas from 1 January

Quotas will be introduced for Ukraine’s cold-rolled sheets, hot-rolled plates and rebar

Украина и Евросоюз ускорят работу над «промышленным безвизом» (c)
Ukraine and the EU to step up work on ‘industrial visa-free regime’

Special attention will be paid to the European Union’s support for small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine

Украина полностью исчерпала квоту на поставку безшовных труб в ЕС (c)
Ukraine completely exhausted the country quota for exports of stainless pipes to the EU

The export quota for non-alloy wire and hollow sections will soon be filled too

Украина полностью исчерпала квоту на поставку нержавеющих труб в ЕС
Ukraine completely exhausted the quota for exports of stainless pipes to the EU

The quota for non-alloy wire exports will soon be filled too

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