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Upgrading the unit will ensure stable operation for 10 years

Zaporizhkoks PrJSC has announced the completion of the overhaul of the U-30 charge feeder in the coal preparation shop. The company has invested over UAH 7.6 million in the work, ensuring the long-term operation of an important element of the production chain.

The U-30 transports almost 500 tons of coal charge per hour to coke oven battery No. 5-6. As part of the repair, the contractor performed a number of key tasks: reinforced the 250-meter-long bridge foundation and piers, restored metal structures, top and side trusses, and fire escapes. All the replaced and restored elements were treated with anti-corrosion agents to protect them from environmental influences.

The overhaul was carried out in two stages, which resulted in an increase in the overhaul period of the pipeline by at least 10 years. This will significantly improve the reliability of production processes and reduce the risk of equipment downtime.

The company is consistently investing in the modernization of its production facilities. The completion of this project was an important step in improving the company’s efficiency and achieving high quality and safety standards.

As GMK Center reported earlier, Zaporizhkoks increased its blast furnace coke production by 2.1% year-on-year – to 874.6 thousand tons in 2024. In the first quarter, production was 214.82 thousand tons, in the second – 220.36 thousand tons, in the third – 220.1 thousand tons, and in the fourth – 219.36 thousand tons. The average monthly production in 2024 amounted to 72.89 thousand tons compared to 71.41 thousand tons in 2023.

Zaporizhkoks is one of the largest coke and chemical producers in Ukraine. It is a part of Metinvest Group. The main consumer of its products is Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works.