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Sea port

Ukrainian dock workers processed 1,737 vessels

In the 9 months of the sea corridor’s operation (since August 2023), Ukraine has exported 50 million tons of cargo through it. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Reconstruction on Facebook.

According to the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA), Black Sea ports have reached a record volume of cargo handling.

“Starting with the first Joseph Shulte vessel, which sailed through the Ukrainian corridor on August 16, 2023, Ukrainian Black Sea ports have handled this record volume of cargo despite the enemy’s constant attacks on our critical infrastructure. This is 1737 vessels handled,” the USPA said.

USPA is working to expand and restore the pre-war cargo range and further develop it. The ports of Greater Odesa have already received and dispatched 10 container ships, and this trend will continue. According to Yuriy Lytvyn, Head of the USPA, based on the current dynamics, 2024 will definitely be a record year and, given a favorable security situation, will reach the average pre-war level of cargo turnover of over 100 million tons.

As GMK Center reported earlier, in 2023, Ukrainian ports increased cargo transshipment by 5% y/y – to 62 million tons. This can be considered the beginning of the industry’s recovery after a difficult 2022, when port cargo turnover fell by 2.6 times compared to pre-war 2021. Iron ore transshipment accounted for 5.9% of the total cargo turnover, or 1.9 million tons. The most dynamic increase in transshipment was observed in the Danube ports (Izmail, Reni and Ust-Dunaisk).