The company uses the best practices of physical rehabilitation and psychological support

In 2023 Ferrexpo, the London listed iron ore company with assets in Ukraine, employed 46 veterans, who had been working for the company before mobilization. 641 workers (9% of company’s workforce) are currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It`s stated in the released Full Year Financial Results for 2023 of Ferrexpo.

The company continuously provides mobilised employees with protective equipment, special clothing, and other essential items. Ferrexpo employs the best practices in physical rehabilitation and psychological support when working with veterans. For those unable to return to their previous roles due to factors such as noise and vibration, the company offers opportunities to undergo training and acquire qualifications for new roles.

«I made the decision to defend Ukraine from the very first days of the full-scale aggression thoughtfully. I fought for over a year and was demobilised after sustaining injuries. During my service in the Armed Forces, the company remembered and cared for me and my comrades, ensuring we had everything we needed. After returning from the front, I immediately headed to the plant, where my job was kept for me. Unfortunately, due to my health condition, I could not return to my previous position as a quarry excavator operator, but I was found a place in another department. Now, after completing courses at Ferrexpo’s technical expertise centre, I work as an electrical fitter. Ferrexpo’s veteran support programme is very important because the step-by-step rehabilitation in the company’s medical centre and the best facilities in Ukraine, along with gradual but effective reintegration into the working environment and society, allows veterans to feel their value and continue their self-realisation,» shared Oleksandr Mazur, an electrical fitter in the IT Department at Poltava Mining and a veteran of the Russo-Ukrainian War.

As GMK Center previously reported, Ferrexpo donated over 10 pickups to the defense units worth about 14 million UAH. The company also allocated 150 cars for the needs of defenders of Ukraine.