Launching the company after a downtime allowed us to return to our markets and engage all our staff
Mezhyrichensky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK), part of Group DF’s titanium business, has resumed operations of its enrichment plant for the production of ilmenite concentrate (TiO2). The company has reached its design capacity of 20-25 tons of concentrate per hour or 12-15 thousand tons per month, the company said in a press release.
“The team has managed to restore the enterprise’s performance, and the concentrator has been restarted after a downtime. We have restored the lost sales markets and business ties with partners: we have already signed good contracts with European partners and are working on their fulfillment. In addition, we are rebuilding our team,” said Dmytro Golik, director of Mezhyrichensky GOK.
According to him, the company’s launch was delayed due to staffing difficulties caused by the mobilization of employees – one in eight employees of Mezhyrichensky GOK is currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Nevertheless, the company managed to restore logistics and gradually increase production.
The resumption of the plant’s operations was made possible by the support of local authorities. This allowed the company to hire 100% of its staff and return to pre-war salaries. In total, the company employs about 400 people, 50 of whom are currently defending Ukraine. The plant remains a key employer for two communities in Zhytomyr region.
“Our strategic plan is to reach pre-war production capacity, but everything will depend on the global price environment. The European economy is recovering, so we expect an increase in consumption of ilmenite concentrate. Positive signals are now emerging for global players. After the war, the global market will recover from the recession even faster in 2025-2026 and grow faster. This will definitely have a positive impact on our business,” Golik summarized.
As GMK Center reported earlier, in 2023, Mezhyrichensky GOK mined 500 thousand tons of ilmenite ore and produced 22.1 thousand tons of concentrate. In January-February 2024, production amounted to 520 thousand tons. The plant’s capacity allows it to mine up to 4 million tons of ore and produce 180 thousand tons of concentrate per year.
Mezhyrichensky GOK includes two production complexes: an ilmenite ore mining and processing plant. The company’s main product is titanium dioxide (sulfate ilmenite concentrate), which is used in the paint, paper, plastic and construction industries. Due to its chemical properties, this product is not used in the military sector.