Duty on China's coated steel to continue for another five years

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) has extended the current anti-dumping duty on the import of polymer-coated steel products originating from China for another five years, reports Kallanish.

Duty rates range from 6.98% to 20.20% of the customs value, depending on the producer.

A second anti-dumping investigation was launched in September 2022 amid the expiration of the safeguard measure. It was first installed in 2012, then continued several times. Russian producers, in particular, MMK and Severstal, actively advocated for the extension of the duty.

In March 2023, the EEC extended the anti-dumping duty on angles from Ukraine for five years – until March 6, 2028. The amount of the duty remained the same – 37.89% of the customs value. The initiators of the re-investigation in relation to hot-rolled steel squares from Ukraine are five Russian steel producers. The anti-dumping duty for these steel products was established in October 2017.

As GMK Center reported earlier, in December 2022, the EAEU for another five years continued action antidumping duties on ferrosilicomanganese from Ukraine. The investigation was conducted on the basis of a statement by two Russian enterprises, which was supported by three Kazakh ferroalloy producers. The decision was made based on the results of a repeated anti-dumping investigation launched in June 2021, on the eve of the expiration of the safeguard measure.