The company specializes in cargo transportation by rail between Ukraine and the EU

Ukrainian Railways Cargo Poland (UZ Cargo Poland), a subsidiary of Ukrainian railroad operator JSC Ukrzaliznytsia, has created social media accounts to facilitate cooperation with customers. This is stated in the company’s message on the Telegram channel.

«We are pleased to introduce our company UZ Cargo Poland, which specializes in the transportation of goods by rail in the Ukraine-EU connection!» the company said.

The main routes of UZ Cargo Poland are:

  • Odesa, Dnipro, Kyiv – Gdansk, Gdynia;
  • Odesa, Dnipro, Kyiv – Kshevye;
  • Odesa, Dnipro, Kyiv – Slavkuv.

At the end of June 2023, JSC Ukrainian Railways (UZ) registered a limited liability company «UKRAINIAN RAILWAYS CARGO POLAND» in Poland. The company’s office is located in Warsaw.

According to Yevhen Liashchenko, Chairman of the Board of JSC Ukrainian Railways, UZ is starting to develop a full-fledged freight transportation operator in the EU. The main principles of the international division will be close ties with foreign partners, transparency and competition.

The creation of such a company is dictated by the need to develop and grow the Ukraine-EU freight turnover and is one of the components of UZ’s strategy to build and develop rail freight transportation. Poland will be the first country of operation of the new carrier company from UZ. The company is also considering launching similar services in Slovakia and Hungary.

As GMK Center reported earlier, Ukrainian Railways transported 148.4 million tons of cargo in 2023, down 1.5%, or 2.2 million tons, compared to 2022. The volume of export transportation decreased by 5.8%, or 3.44 million tons, to 56 million tons.