It was destroyed by a controlled explosion, changing the Teesside skyline forever

In the UK, the country’s largest blast furnace of the Teesside Steel Plant (Redcar) was demolished. The event took place as part of the redevelopment of a former industrial estate in the town of Redcar in North Yorkshire.

According to The Telegraph, the plant operated for four decades and produced 3.6 million tons of iron per year. The publication notes that the explosion, which occurred on Wednesday morning (November 23), marked the end of the iconic steelworks landmark.

Built in 1979, the blast furnace was 365 feet (111 m) high and was believed to be the largest in the UK, and the second largest of its kind in Europe.


“A 250-meter exclusion zone was created for the explosion, the sound could be heard more than 20 miles (32 km) away from the area. The demolition was carried out using 175 kg of explosives and was preceded by several months of preparation,” the article says.

In October 2022, the plant itself was also demolished in one of the largest blasting operations in the UK for 75 years.



The industrial estate began to be decommissioned in 2010 before being restarted by Sahaviriya Steel Industries UK (SSI) when it acquired the Tata Steel property in 2012. However, it was completely liquidated three years later. More than 2,000 employees lost their jobs when the furnace was finally shut down in 2015. The four huge gas furnaces that heated the blast furnace will be demolished individually in the coming weeks.

As GMK Center reported earlier, US Steel Corporation, one of the largest steel producers in the United States, has shut down BF8 at the Gary Works steel plant in Indiana. It was idle for more than 10 days. The date of restart of the unit is still unknown.